Imagination is fine but real visualization is better. Why gamble with irreversible decisions – visualize and plan the future spatial appearance as if it already exits.
Imagination is fine but real visualization is better. Why gamble with irreversible decisions – visualize and plan the future spatial appearance as if it already exits.
Imagination is fine but real visualization is better. Why gamble with irreversible decisions – visualize and plan the future spatial appearance as if it already exits.
Perform spatial analysis enhanced with additional data layers and any optional information.
Gain better insight into possible future spatial appearance.
Improve infrastructure and land use planning because of the qualitative, accessible and intuitively visualized data.
Use simulations, such as flood simulations and evaluate possible environmental impacts.
Digital elevation model is a basic tool for treating flood problematic, especially so if it’s available online together with analytical tools. Controlling large amounts of LiDAR data is sometimes science fiction; however in Gaea+ environment this is reality.
Gaea+ is an excellent tool for 3D visualization of Slovenia and much better as for instance Google Earth. Gaea+ enables adding optional data layers and presentation of their attributes. Visualization is fast and clear. Especially for our needs XLAB also developed the tool for importing lines into line layer.